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    Delaware College of Art and Design Transfer Form

    This form is to express interest in transferring enrollment and credits from the Delaware College of Art and Design to Moore College of Art & Design for our Undergraduate programs

    By filling out this form, you authorize Moore College of Art & Design to obtain your records from Delaware College of Art & Design, including but not limited to: official college transcripts, scholarship information, academic advising notes, and other relevant information. 
    Your application may pre-populate certain information we already have on file for you. 
    If any of this information is inaccurate, please correct it on the form.
    Personal Information
    Date of Birth
    Date of Birth
    Contact Information
    Current Student Information
    Do you plan to live on campus?
    Do you plan to live on campus?
    By submitting this form you are acknowledging that the information on this application is truthful to the best of your knowledge.